Revolve - определение. Что такое Revolve
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Что (кто) такое Revolve - определение

¦ verb
1. move in a circle on a central axis.
(revolve about/around) move in a circular orbit around.
2. (revolve around) treat as the most important aspect or element: her life revolved around her children.
3. consider repeatedly and from different angles.
ME: from L. revolvere, from re- 'back' (also expressing intensive force) + volvere 'roll'.
I. v. n.
Rotate, wheel, turn, roll round an axis, turn round.
Circle, move round a centre.
Pass away in cycles.
Fall back, return, devolve.
II. v. a.
Cause to turn round, circulate.
Consider, meditate, ponder, study, reflect upon, ruminate upon, brood over.
(revolves, revolving, revolved)
If you say that one thing revolves around another thing, you mean that the second thing is the main feature or focus of the first thing.
Since childhood, her life has revolved around tennis...
VERB: V around n
If a discussion or conversation revolves around a particular topic, it is mainly about that topic.
The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques...
VERB: V around n
If one object revolves around another object, the first object turns in a circle around the second object.
The satellite revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.
VERB: V around n
When something revolves or when you revolve it, it moves or turns in a circle around a central point or line.
Overhead, the fan revolved slowly...
Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth.
VERB: V, V n


Revolve may refer to:
Примеры произношения для Revolve
1. revolve around?
Mastering Skills for Success in Life _ Ulrich Boser _ Talks at Google
2. revolves around the sun.
The Power of Beliefs in Business _ Ari Weinzweig _ Talks at Google
3. revolve around major catastrophes
Here I Am - A Novel _ Jonathan Safran Foer _ Talks at Google
4. And then every revolve revolves alone of itself.
Broadway's Groundhog Day _ Talks at Google
5. revolves around real estate.
NYC Real Estate Investing _ Trisha Ocona Francis _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Revolve
1. Arguments about immigration often revolve around cost.
2. "The life of the Inuits here revolve around the seals.
3. "The world doesn‘t just revolve around you," he told them.
4. "I have friendships and my friendships revolve around shared interests.
5. The two brands revolve around different answers to two questions.